Let Your Light Shine

Why all the suffering?

01/17/2010 15:39

Why all the suffering?


Another great message from Harvest Bible Chapel that I want to share with you! From the recent disaster in Haiti I’m sure many are questioning why things like that happen. Answer- because this world is under the curse of sin.
There are 3 types of Suffering:
1- as a result from foolishness, wrong choices, bad decisions.
2- as a result of faith (1 Peter 4:13)
3-as a result of humanity (ex-diseases, disaster, death)

And since we live in a cursed world- sin is damaging our planet (Romans 5:12). God has promised to give us a new earth as we see in Revelation 21, and that creation will be set free from decay and bondage (Romans 8).
The world indeed is a mirror to what is happening in us Romans 8:19-21.

John 9- tells us that the reason things happen is to bring God glory!
**Suffering exist for us to: 1- Identify something 2- To remind us of our need for God**

So why is God blamed when tragedy strikes? Why should he have to go on the defense for OUR irresponsibility and sinful nature? Suffering instead should be where we shine to glorify God. For we his children are to Devote ourselves to do good works (Titus 3:14).

In closing, in times of suffering we need to remember Galations 6:10- Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.


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